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Nano Run


A simplified version of trusted-cgi designed for async processing extreme amount of requests.

  • DevOps friendly - plain YAML configuration per subject
  • Low memory footprint
  • Can handle any size of request (limited by disk only)

# Main goals

  • Should have semi-constant resource consumption regardless of: number of requests, size of requests, kind of requests;
  • Should be ready to run without configuration;
  • Should be ready for deploying in clouds;
  • Should support extending for another providers;
  • Can be used as library and as a complete solution;
  • Performance (throughput/latency) has less priority than resource usage.

# Quick start

(optional) initialize configuration

nano-run server init

it will create required directories and files in a current working directory.

define a unit file

Create minimal unit file (date.yaml) that will return current date (by unix command date) and put it in directory run/conf.d/


command: date
start nano-run


nano-run server run

now you can open ui over http://localhost:8989 or do API call: curl -X POST http://localhost:8989/api/date/